TextMate için yaptığım küçük bir AppleScript

TextMate için yaptığım küçük bir AppleScript.

on run
tell application "Finder"
set DesktopSize to bounds of window of desktop
set DesktopWidth to item 3 of DesktopSize
set DesktopHeight to item 4 of DesktopSize
end tell
tell application "TextMate"
set WindowsList to (every window where visible is true)
set n to count of WindowsList
if n = 1 then return
if n > 4 then
say "sorry, max 4"
end if
set blockSize to DesktopWidth / 3
set blockSizeW to DesktopWidth / 2
set blockSizeH to DesktopHeight / 2
if n = 2 then
set the bounds of the first window to {0, 0, blockSizeW, DesktopHeight}
set the bounds of the second window to {blockSizeW, 0, DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight}
end if
if n = 3 then
set the bounds of the first window to {0, 0, blockSize, DesktopHeight}
set the bounds of the second window to {blockSize, 0, (blockSize * 2), DesktopHeight}
set the bounds of the third window to {(blockSize * 2), 0, DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight}
end if
if n = 4 then
set the bounds of the first window to {0, 0, blockSizeW, blockSizeH}
set the bounds of the second window to {blockSizeW, 0, DesktopWidth, blockSizeH}
set the bounds of the third window to {0, blockSizeH, blockSizeW, DesktopHeight}
set the bounds of the fourth window to {blockSizeW, blockSizeH, DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight}
end if
end tell
end run